Risk and resilience: a review of functional traits influencing fire vulnerability in Pantanal mammals

Eugênia Kelly Luciano Batista1*


* Contato principal

Maria Tereza de Arruda Botelho2


Renan Lieto Alves Ribeiro2


Ricardo Sampaio2


Mariella Butti2


Luanne Helena Augusto Lima2


Christian Niel Berlinck2


1 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/UFMG, Brasil. <biogenia.k@gmail.com>.

2 Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade/ICMBio, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Mamíferos Carnívoros/CENAP, Atibaia/SP, Brasil. <tecabotelho.tb@gmail.com, renanlar@gmail.com, ricardo.sampaio@icmbio.gov.br, mariella.butti@icmbio.gov.br,

luanne.lima@icmbio.gov.br, christian.berlinck@icmbio.gov.br>.

Recebido em 14/03/2024 – Aceito em 22/08/2024

Material Suplementar


Keywords used in the search:

• Endemism: “distribution”

• Habitat Types: “habitat”, “grassland”, “savanna”, “wooded savanna”, “open woodland”, “shrubland”, “prairie”, “pasture”, “forest”, “woodland”, “wetland”, “swamp”, “floodplain”, “river”, “stream”, “lake”, “pond”, “rocky outcrop”, “rupestrian”, “urban”, “urbanized”, “agricultural mosaic”, “farmland”, “agroecosystem”

• Body Mass and Size: “body size”, “body mass”, “body weight”, “large”, “medium”, “small”

• Population Dynamics: “intrinsic growth rate”, “population growth rate”, “reproductive rate”, “birth rate”, “death rate”, “life history”, “r-selection”, “k-selection”, “r-selected”, “k-selected”, “population dynamics”, “population modeling”, “survivorship curves”

• Ecological Functions / Feeding Habits: “herbivore”, “carnivore”, “insectivore”, “frugivore”, “nectarivore”, “omnivore”, “folivore”, “granivore”, “saprophagous”, “diet”, “browsing”, “browser”, “grazer”, “grazing”, “predator”, “prey”, “detritivore”, “feeding”, “trophic”, “forage”, “seed-eating”, “seed disperser”, “disperser”, “seed predator”

• Mobility: “arboreal”, “climber”, “tree-dwelling”, “ground-dwelling”, “flying”, “aerial locomotion”, “semi-fossorial”, “burrowing”, “excavator”, “fossorial”, “scansorial”, “terrestrial”, “runner”, “semi-aquatic”, “aquatic”

• Breeding Season: “breeding season”, “reproductive season”, “birth season”, “seasonal reproduction”

• Reproductive Stage and Nesting Behavior: “courtship”, “mating”, “nesting”, “nest building”, “above ground nesting”, “nest material”, “breeding behavior”, “gestation”, “pregnancy”, “prenatal period”, “parental care”, “nursing”, “lactation”, “offspring care”

• Reproductive Biology: “generational time”, “sexual maturity”, “gestational period”, “litter size”

• Home Range: “home range”, “daily movement”, “roaming area”, “habitat use”

• Territorial Behavior: “territorial”, “territorialism”, “territory defense”, “exclusive territory”, “territorial behavior”

• Movement Behavior: “migratory”, “nomadic”, “resident”, “seasonal movement”, “annual migration”

• Activity Pattern: “nocturnal”, “crepuscular”, “diurnal”, “cathemeral”, “circadian cycle”

• Demography: “population density”, “density”, “demographic density”, “abundance”, “demography”

• Escape Strategy: (same as the mobility keywords)

• Social Organization: “solitary”, “gregarious”, “social structure”, “group living”, “herd”

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Como citar:

Batista EKL, Botelho MTA, Ribeiro RLA, Sampaio R, Butti M, Lima LHA, Berlinck CN. Risk and resilience: a review of functional traits influencing fire vulnerability in Pantanal mammals. Biodivers. Bras. [Internet]. 2024; 14(4): 1-140. doi: 10.37002/biodiversidadebrasileira.v14i4.2565

Biodiversidade Brasileira – BioBrasil.

Fluxo Contínuo e Edição Temática:

Ecologia do Fogo e Conservação do Bioma Pantanal

n.4, 2024


Biodiversidade Brasileira é uma publicação eletrônica científica do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) que tem como objetivo fomentar a discussão e a disseminação de experiências em conservação e manejo, com foco em unidades de conservação e espécies ameaçadas.

ISSN: 2236-2886