Opiliofauna (Arachnida, Opiliones) from Deciduous Forest, Mata Seca State Park, Minas Gerais State, Brazil


  • Gustavo Rubim Federal Institute of the South of Minas: Inconfidentes , Minas Gerais, BR
  • Thiago Pádua IFsuldeminas Innconfidentes
  • Marcos Magalhães Federal Institute of the South of Minas: Inconfidentes , Minas Gerais, BR
  • Maria Costa Federal Institute of the South of Minas: Inconfidentes , Minas Gerais, BR
  • Gabriel Jacques Federal Institute of Minas Gerais: Bambuí , Minas Gerais, BR




Biodiversity, Caatinga, conservation unit


The Deciduous Seasonal Forest, also known as Dry Forest in Brazil, is a Neotropical forest formation of disjunct distribution, a priority for conservation due to its reduction by human activities, which makes studies to know the biodiversity pressing, however, there are no records of opilion species in this forest formation, thus this study aims to inventory the fauna of opilions in the Mata Seca State Park, northern Minas Gerais State, one of the most important areas of dry forest in Brazil. Collections were conducted from February to November 2021, with 20 field days, totaling 60 hours of sampling effort per researcher. Three opilion species from two families were recorded, Gryne coccinelloides (Mello-Leitão 1935), Cosmetidae, representing 89.49% of the specimens collected, Metavononoides guttulosus (Mello-Leitão 1935), Cosmetidae, and Parapachyloides uncinatus (Sørensen 1879), Gonyleptidae.This is the first record of harvestman diversity for the dry forest in Brazil, with two species not occurring in other Conservation Units in the state of Minas Gerais, which reinforces the importance of this area for the protection of the biota of that state.


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