Invasão biológica em restinga: o estudo de caso de Terminalia catappa L. (Combretaceae)


  • Renata Martins Plucênio Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal, Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal deSanta Catarina/UFSC
  • Michelle de Sá Dechoum Instituto Hórus de Desenvolvimento e Conservação Ambiental
  • Tânia Tarabini Castellani Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal, Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal deSanta Catarina/UFSC



coastal ecosystems, invasive tree species, invasibility, propagule pressure


Coastal ecosystems are strongly affected by the invasion of non-native plants. Terminalia
catappa is native to Malaysia, invasive in coastal regions, common in the Brazilian coastline since the arrival
of Europeans. Seed dispersal occurs through water currents and bats. The study aimed to identify the degree
of invasion of the species at the restinga vegetation of Florianopolis and to analyze the susceptibility of
those habitats to the invasion process. Two beaches were studied, 4 km long, at north of the island of
Santa Catarina. At the study areas, up to 30 m into the restinga vegetation, individuals of T. catappa were
georeferenced, measured and it was verified the reproductive signs, being analyzed the structure of the
vegetation of the sites occupied by the species and the presence of restinga plants below the canopy of
these plants. Two plots were established to analyze the vegetation adjacent to the sites occupied by these
plants and more distant to them. The data showed the establishment of the species in the restinga, since
there are seeds germinating and development of plants in herbaceous and shrub vegetation, with some ofthem reaching the reproductive stage. Species richness did not differ between adjacent and distant sites of T.
catappa, and the restinga vegetation composition was similar in the two sites. Most individuals showed the
maintenance of restinga vegetation under the canopy, suggesting that at that stage of invasion, the species
has not yet excluded the native vegetation by shading and allelopathy. The study showed that the sea is an
important vector for dispersal of the species in the studied areas, as the number of established individuals
and seeds accumulated on the beach near the sea were more larger than that observed in disturbed areas
where the species is used for ornamental purposes. It was also observed that there is a greater supply of seeds
near Ratone's river, and a positive relationship between the number of individuals sampled per area and the
number of seeds on the beach.


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