Traditional Management as a Model of Ecological Restoration for Conservation of Native Fields against Woody Proliferation in the Pantanal


  • Fernando Henrique Barbosa da Silva Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGBOT/UFRGS); ² Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Áreas Úmidas (INCT/INAU)



Invasion, laud management, natural pastures, livestock, sustainability


The Pantanal is a wetland that provides important ecosystem services, mainly related to hydrology and biodiversity. From the period of European occupation in South American territory, few changes are observed in the Pantanal landscape compared to neighboring biomes such as Cerrado Savanna and Amazon Forest. Periodic flooding is a natural imposition of intensive land use, and one of the compatible activities has been sustainable low-density livestock combined with the removal of undesirable woody species from herbaceous communities used as natural pastures. However, in recent decades it has been identified in global scale that herbaceous communities are under woody encroachment. Admitting that little is known about the threats to the Pantanal herbaceous plants, we interpret the results of studies on woody encroachment in native grasslands to support our suggestion for planning the woody removal. Our proposal is based on ecological restoration principles as an opportunity for the use and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services relevant to social and ecological well-being.


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Diagnóstico e manejo de áreas úmidas em áreas protegidas