Seasonality and Correlation Between Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Environmental Variables in Different Forest Areas on Amazon


  • Aledilson Oliveira dos Reis Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Gabriel Brito Costa Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Mayara Barbosa Lima Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Marcelo de Almeida Heidemann Instituto Federal do Pará/IFPA, Castanhal/PA, Brasil
  • Duany Thainara Corrêa da Silva Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Ana Caroline da Silva Macambira Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Letícia Victória dos Santos Matias Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Natan Barbosa Almada Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil



Carbon balance, greenhouse gases, micrometeorology


 The specificities of atmospheric CO2 and H2O seasonal patterns and their relationship with meteorological variables in different forest areas on Amazon are extremely necessary knowledge to be construe the bases of climate change mitigation protocols, given the importance of the Amazon in the regional and global climate regulation. Based on this, this study proposes to compare the Biosphere-Atmosphere interaction in two different forest physiognomies: FLONA do Tapajós (K67), in Pará, and Javaés site, located in Cantão State Park (Ilha do Bananal, Tocantins). The different water patterns, hourly and monthly averages of temperature and relative air humidity, CO2 emission fluxes through vegetation and hourly and seasonal averages of H2O and CO2 concentration were analyzed, as well as hourly and seasonal patterns of turbulent CO2 flux. The results indicate that the carbon balance in the sites has stronger difference, where the K67 site is neutral in relation to emissions to the atmosphere, and can act as a small source or sink of CO2 depending on the energy and rainfall controls on location, while the Bananal site indicates a considerable CO2 sink throughout the year, having its interactions with the atmosphere controlled more by the site's flood cycle. 


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Análise de Componentes do Sistema Climático e a Biodiversidade no Brasil

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