How to Perform the Management of a High Risk Project? The Report of the Repatriation of Spix's Macaws to Brazil


  • Camile Lugarini Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres , Brasil
  • Ugo Vercillo Universidade de Brasília, Brasil



Conservation, management tool, agile managemen, traditional management, hybrid management, national action plan


Project management involves different tools to plan and engage a team, with the aim of presenting deliveries on time and with reduced cost (efficiency). In today's complex world where change is the rule, the added value of the product becomes increasingly important, in a context where effectiveness is more important than efficiency. For projects involving the biodiversity conservation, it is sought to use different tools for its execution. In this context, Spix´s macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) Action Plan is more visible one in Brazil, as it includes a flag species probably extinct in the wild. In this report we present the results the sucessed project: ‘Landing Plan for the repatriation of 52 Spix´s macaws'. The management model adopted was traditional, using some agile project management approaches, especially with regard to delivering products of value to the stakeholders, without the need to generate excessive planning and documentation. On March 3rd, 2020, the Spix´s macaws returned to the Caatinga, still in captivity, another big step to return to free flight.


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