Fire footprint in the Pantanal: evaluation of the impact in forest areas at the Ramsar Site, Taiamã Ecological Station
Floristics , conservation unit, vegetative regenerationResumo
Fires are important factors in the disturbance of forest ecosystems, with a strong impact on the biotic and abiotic conditions of the environment. In recent decades, there has been a substantial increase in the occurrence of these events worldwide, resulting in an imbalance in ecosystem recovery. In this sense, the present work aimed to evaluate the impact of wildfires on polyspecific forest plots located at the Taiamã Ecological Station, which is a federal conservation unit located in the Pantanal biome. To this end, the circumference at breast and total height ≥ 3 m of each individual were measured, in two permanent plots of 1 hectare each, with the identification of all arboreal individuals by scientific names. The first sampling was carried out in 2019, with one of the plots (A) being affected by a fire in 2011 and the other (B) not. The second sampling took place two months after a fire that affected both plots in 2020. The findings unambiguously demonstrate that the occurrence of wildfire in the sampling sites significantly diminished their abundance and diversity, resulting in a shift in the composition of the plots. Total richness in 2019 was more than double that obtained after the 2020 fire, and there was a loss of almost 80% of trees in this period, which indicates that wildfires have a profound impact on the vegetation at the Station region. Obtaining data on the impacts of large fires in forest environments is essential for effective management of fires in the Pantanal biome.
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