Post-fire succession of understory vegetation in Scotch pine forests of central polissya of Ukraine
Post-fire succession, ground fire, species diversity, dominance, constancy, similarityResumo
Polisskiy Natural Reserve is one of the most important territories for biodiversity protection in North of Ukraine. Forests of mixed Scotch pine (Pinus sylvetris) with birch (Betula pendula) and other species forests are most common. Wildfires regularly occur within and outside protected area due to human activity. Usually the average size of fire does not exceed 0.5 to 5.0 ha. In May 2009 a large wildfire occurred and during two weeks burned about 1000 ha of forests, mainly by crown fires. We conduce a comparative study involved methods to determine species regeneration, its diversity, projective cover, dominance, constancy and similarity of burned and unburned forests. In total 32 plots that were established in 20 to 120 years-old Scots pine forests. Scorch height during fires was 0.1-4.6m and higher. It was found that four years after crown and intensive surface fires in 40-60-years old pine forests species as Сlаdоniа rаngifеrinа, DiÑrаnum Ñоngеstum, Pleurozium schreberi did not recover. Some species like HiеrаÑium villоsum and Еrigеrоn Ñаnаdеnsis newly appeared on sites after the fire. VаÑÑinium myrtillus, Lеdum pаlustrе and RhоdоÑоÑÑum vitis-idаеа recovered successfully after medium-intensity surface fire (Sheight
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