Guidelines for managing and monitoring seabirds in the arvoredo marine biological reserve, southern Brazil
breeding site, community, marine birds, protected area, tropical islandsResumo
Seabirds usually need productive waters and respond differently to environmental changes according to the oceanographic domain where they occur. The Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve protects part of an important ecological region in Brazil and shelters substantial marine biodiversity. Here we studied seabird richness and abundance at this protected area to verify what kind of monitoring and managing protocols are needed for future conservation actions. We surveyed the Reserve's islands and surrounding sea from the autumn 2010 to the autumn 2012. We also considered historical data from literature on seabird colonies to access specific issues related to management actions. Most of 14 surveyed species were migratory, rare, and recorded during winter. The Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) was dominant and its abundance pattern alternated with those of the other species along seasons. Deserta Island is an important breeding site and Galé Islets is an important stopover site at the Reserve. Few places along the Brazilian coastline support breeding colonies such as the ones in the Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve. However, the Reserve needs seabird active management to fulfill its purpose of protecting marine biodiversity. Breeding success must be considered as an indicator for intervention and control of predators in the Reserve. The effects of climate changes and overfishing near the Reserve affect the seabirds therefore managers should join a large-scale integrated coastal management and marine spatial planning. A long-term monitoring protocol at-sea and in the colonies using new technologies also can help in this process.Referências
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