Percepção dos ribeirinhos com relação ao desempenho e à gestão de duas categorias distintas de unidades de conservação na Amazônia brasileira


  • Marcia Munik Cabral Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Mestrado Profissional em Gestão de Áreas Protegidas (MPGAP).
  • Eduardo Martins Venticinque Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte/UFRN, Centro de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica, Ecologia e Zoologia, Campus Universitário.
  • Fernando Cesar Weber Rosas Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia/INPA, Laboratório de Mamíferos Aquáticos/LMA.



Amazon, riverine community, public management, social participation


The creation of Protected Areas (UCs) can be an effective conservation strategy of several
species, including humans. However, the UCs are sometimes misinterpreted by riverine communities,
especially those of full protection, which almost always bordering complain about the ban on entry in these
areas for use of resources. Therefore, it is necessary to know the human perceptions so that makes possible to
develop measures to mitigate conflicts and convey the importance of UCs and their different categories with a
view to improving life in the communities and the conservation of biodiversity. This study aimed to evaluate
the perception of the surrounding communities Uatumã Biological Reserve (Rebio) and residents in Uatumã
Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS), Amazonas, Brazil, regarding the UCs which they are involved. Four
field excursions were carried out to the study areas, two for each UC. Questionnaires were applied to the
inhabitants regarding their relations with the UCs, which resulted in 113 interviews (62 Rebio and 51 RDS).
Most of the answers revealed that the UCs do not disturb the traditional way of life (73% Rebio and 64% RDS),
even more, the inhabitants claim that the protected areas contributed to increase hunting / fishing (~ 70% in
both UCs) and recognize that UCs directly benefit the quality of life (74% Rebio and 60% RDS). However,
reports on the communication and / or relationship with the managers of these protected areas, according to
the interviewers, demonstrated that they are divided, with 53% (Rebio) and 38% (RDS) alleging an unfriendly
relationship between managers and the inhabitants of the communities. Thus, it appears that closer relations
with the UCs managers and the communities living in and around the UCs should be improved. It is suggested
greater integration in this direction in order to prevent or minimize conflicts that may threaten the conservation
of the species and the quality of life in the communities involved with the UCs.


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Pesquisa e manejo de Unidades de Conservação