Machine learning:

modeling the risk of forest fires ignition in the mediterranean region (North-West Morocco)


  • Fouad Assali National Center for Forest Climate Risk Management (High Commission for Water and Forests and Fighting against Desertification, Rabat, Morocco)
  • Hicham Mharzi Alaoui National Center for Forest Climate Risk Management (High Commission for Water and Forests and Fighting against Desertification, Rabat, Morocco)
  • Hicham Hajji Department of Cartography - Photogrammetry, Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II.
  • Mouanis Lahlou Department of Applied Statistics and Informatics, Agronomy and Veterinary Institute Hassan II.
  • Taoufik Aadel Department of Applied Statistics and Informatics, Agronomy and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
  • Samir Taberkant National Center for Forest Climate Risk Management (High Commission for Water and Forests and Fighting against Desertification, Rabat, Morocco)


Palabras clave:

Florest fire, ignition probability, machine learning, logistic, random, XG Boost, Spatial modeling


This scientific paper explores the spatial predictability of forest fire ignitions in the mediterranean region (North-west of Morocco). The geographic information system was used to locate 704 forest fires recorded between 2002 and 2018. Using 20 human and biophysical variables, the building of dichotomous prediction model (Fire or No Fire) was developed using 3 classification models namely: the binary logistic regression, the random forest and XG-Boost. Data analysis provide relevant information to understand the human factors, climate, topography and vegetation type, affecting forest fire ignitions processes in the study area. A random sample of observations (60%) was used to build the model and external observations (40%) have been reserved for testing the ability of the model to predict forest fire ignitions. The explanatory variables included in the model, report on the impact of factors related to (1) human action represented by localities with high frequency of fires and accessibility (roads and trails), (2) topoclimatic, including, temperature, relative air humidity and slopes and (3) biological, namely the type of fuel, (pine and cork oak trees, Matorral, …). The 3 types of machine learning models (binary logistic regression, random forest and XG Boost) have shown very interesting results in terms of forest fire predictability by correctly classifying an average of 85% of the sample reserved for the model training and data validation. The forest fire ignitions probability maps produced could operationally improve the alerts processes, the lookout posts positioning and the early intervention against fires by the units in charge of initial attacks.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fouad Assali, National Center for Forest Climate Risk Management (High Commission for Water and Forests and Fighting against Desertification, Rabat, Morocco)

Dr. Assali Fouad (PhD and Agronomic  Engineer) he is the head of the of the National Center for Climatic and Forest Risk Management in Rabat, Morocco, He received his MBA from the School of Business Administration at Al AKHAWAYN UNIVERSITY. Mr. ASSALI has worked for disaster risk management for over 20 years, He received his Ph.D. degree in Geodetic sciences and engineering, geoinformatics, planning, water and food processes from the Hassan II veterinary and agronomic institut in 2016. And  joined the National school  for forest engineer as a Part-time professor. He managed several projects related to climatic and forest risk management in Morocco.

His recent research and development interests deal with natural disaster and risk management, integrated natural resources management, environmental assessment and climate change adaptation. Author of many tions (book chapters, scientific papers, expertise reports, documents, etc.),

Hicham Mharzi Alaoui, National Center for Forest Climate Risk Management (High Commission for Water and Forests and Fighting against Desertification, Rabat, Morocco)

Dr. Hicham MHARZI-ALAOUI (PhD and Forest Engineer) he is the head of the risk analysis unit at the National Center for Climatic and Forest Risk Management in Rabat, Morocco, He received his Ph.D. degree in Geodetic sciences and engineering, geoinformatics, planning, water and food processes from the Hassan II veterinary and agronomic institut in 2017. At the same year, he joined the National school for forest engineer as a visiting professor. He participated in several projects on the use of new technologies in climatic and forest risk management in Morocco and Latin America, he represented Morocco at several events in the European countries (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium) and in the USA.
Dr. MHARZI-ALAOUI's research focuses on risk analysis, climat change, artificial intelligence, remote sensing and GIS analysis of ecological and environmental systems, land-use and land-cover change, environmental modeling and human-environment interactions. He is the author of more then 30 articles (peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, international reports and others). He is member of the international and the moroccan regional science association.




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