Objectives and editorial lines
- Foster discussion and dissemination of experiences and challenges in conservation and management, with a focus on protected areas and endangered species.
- Promote interdisciplinarity related to the areas of biodiversity conservation, ecology, biology and human ecology.
- Contribute to scientific communication and the application of knowledge in the area of protected area management, preservation of biodiversity, preservation of speleological heritage and traditional knowledge in all its dimensions.
Editorial lines
The magazine Biodiversidade Brasileira publishes original scientific articles, bibliographic review articles, case studies and opinion articles in the following lines of interest:
- improvement of ICMBio's contribution to environmental licensing;
- improvement of the planning and implementation of conservation units;
- action, together with the MMA and other sectors, to promote the compatibility of the different national interests in the same planning;
- human ecology and environmental education;
- strengthening the management of timber and non-timber products extracted or with potential for exploitation in UC;
- strengthening fisheries management and production chains in sustainable use PAs;
- strengthening participation in monitoring and management;
- literature and biodiversity conservation;
- integrated and adaptive fire management (MIAF);
- ICMBio's participation in the different levels of territorial organization (national, regional and local);
- promoting the expansion and connectivity of protected areas;
- promoting the improvement of the conservation status of endangered species;
- promotion of good practices and regulation of the use of fauna in sustainable use UCs;
- promotion of intelligence in inspection and protection actions;
- promotion of management of invasive alien species;
- restoration of terrestrial and aquatic habitats;
- valuing biodiversity, ecosystem services and speleological heritage.