Section policy

Editorial board

In editions of  Biodiversidade Brasileira a list is published with the names of the journal's collaborators, including the Editorial Board, thematic editors and evaluators.



Authored by the thematic editors, the text should offer the reader an overview of the edition, highlighting its relevance both in the editorial line of BioBrasil and in the area of ​​biodiversity conservation. It should preferably have up to two pages.

Recognition to evaluators

The journal revista Biodiversidade Brasileira issues declarations to all reviewers of the article, as a form of retribution and recognition of the effort and dedication of the reviewers.

Types of articles accepted by Biodiversidade Brasileira

Original technical-scientific articles in continuous flow and thematic

BioBrasil journal accepts submissions in a continuous flow of articles related to its scope and that demonstrate an innovative approach and/or methodology related to the editorial line of the journal. It also accepts submission of articles that are in line with the specific theme of the thematic issue, as detailed in the headlines of each issue.

Open submissions        


Peer reviewed

Bibliographic review articles

The journal BioBrasil accepts the submission of bibliographic review articles, which present an overview and systematic view of a given subject, considering the different theoretical and practical perspectives based on classic and current studies.

Open submissions         


Peer reviewed


Case studies

Biodiversidade Brasileira ournal accepts submission of case studies, with information and descriptions of individual or multiple cases of interest to the journal.

Open submissions         


Peer reviewed


Opinion article

The journal Biodiversidade Brasileira accepts the submission of opinion articles, even if the position does not necessarily reflect that of the journal.

Open submissions         


Peer reviewed


Word limit per article

Biodiversidade Brasileira accepts articles of up to 8,000 words (approximately 30 pages).


Limit of authors and co-authors

Biodiversidade Brasileira does not establish the number of authors and co-authors, as long as it is possible to prove the participation of each one, if requested by the journal.