Direct Seeding as a Way for Neotropical Savannas Restoration
an Alternative for Cerrado's Environmental Compliance
Recuperation of degraded areas, native vegetation recomposition, grassy ecosystems, biological invasionsAbstract
In neotropical savannas, ecosystems are often restored inefficiently due to practitioners
overlooking innate ecological characteristics of their vegetation. Threatened by land conversion and biological invasions, these ecosystems are in need of efficient restoration efforts. In places where exotic species are found, post restoration monitoring and management is highly important, though often overlooked. The present study took place in seven areas under restoration by direct seeding of native trees, shrubs and grasses of the Cerrado biome. Each area was surveyed by analysis of vegetation cover, density and richness of native regenerant species per area by sampling 100m2 plots. The data acquired was then analyzed considering the indicator thresholds for restorations success established by Federal
District legislation. Past area history as well as soil preparation were found to significantly interfere in the restoration pathways, directly affecting plant community composition and resulting in differences between the study areas. No area fully achieved the legislation requirements. However, our results indicate that these requirements can be achieved by ecological restoration. For that purpose, soil tillage can be used to control weeds and direct sowing of grasses, shrubs and trees to reintroduce native biodiversity. For success to be achieved, it is necessary to improve the control of invasive species before sowing, as well as monitoring and maintenance.
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