Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Land Use/Land Cover in Protected Areas in Northern Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 1986 and 2015
Brazilian savanna, remote sensing, protected areas, GIS, remote sensingAbstract
The implementation of protected areas has been one of the main strategies for biodiversity conservation worldwide, and its importance in preventing the conversion of natural habitats has been confirmed. However, there is great variation in the effectiveness of these areas. In this perspective, this study aimed to determine the occurrence and intensity of changes in land use and cover in protected areas (PAs) of restricted use (integral protection) and sustainable use, between the years 1986, 2000 and 2015, using the northern Minas Gerais region as a case study. Remote sensing and GIS were used to map land use and land cover. Subsequently, the usage and coverage values were calculated and the area balance was calculated. The results indicate that the area deforested was greater between 1986-2000, before the implementation of most PAs. It was possible to verify large losses of coverage by Deciduous Seasonal Forest and gains in coverage by Cerrado. Most protected areas in northern Minas Gerais have fulfilled their role in protecting natural resources, helping to contain deforestation and promoting the regeneration of natural vegetation. However, long-term monitoring is needed, using increasingly Remote Sensing techniques that allow constant updates of terrestrial scenarios and the provision of updated information for law enforcement and development of more efficient environmental education projects.Â
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