Minimal impact management for Açaí production in the Amazon

effects on horizontal structure and woody biomass stock in flooded ecosystem




Floodable ecosystem, Forest management, Silvicultural intervention


In wetland forest ecosystems, the abundance of açaí (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.), a superfood consumed worldwide, demanded the expansion of productive areas, putting the existence of native species of the biome at risk. As an alternative, there is minimal impact management, which consists of the planned removal of the most abundant trees, without harming species diversity. Conducting research on the subject is essential to prove the environmental feasibility of the technique. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of minimal impact management aimed
at açaí production in floodplain forest ecosystems in the Amazon. For this, the 4 ha area was divided into 16 subplots (25 mx 25 m), where after 100% inventory (DBH ≥ 10 cm), individuals with smaller circumference were suppressed and those with DAP up to 40 cm were ringed.The results showed that the management did not change the order of importance of the species and the pattern of diameter distribution. Only Parkia ulei, Pouteria sp. and Unonopsis guatterioides had the conservation degree of their populations changed from abundant (A) to common (C), after the silvicultural intervention. Pielou's equability and Simpson's dominance indices remained similar after handling. There was no
statistically significant difference in biomass removal. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the management of minimal impact aimed at the production of açaí in the Amazon does not cause changes in terms of species diversity, as long as it is carried out properly following the correct methodology.


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