Feeding and reproductive ecology of a population of Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) in an urban forest fragment in the city of Rio de Janeiro/RJ


  • Jonas Barreto de Oliveira Moura Instituto Resgatando o Verde/IRV, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.
  • Shirley Seixas Pereira da Silva Instituto Resgatando o Verde/IRV, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.
  • Patricia Gonçalves Guedes Instituto Resgatando o Verde/IRV, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil.




Bats , seed dispersal, morphometry, reproductive pattern


Carollia perspicillata is a predominantly frugivorous bat and widely distributed, including in urban environments. This study investigates the diet, biometric data, reproductive pattern and population dynamics of C. perspicillata in the Parque Natural Municipal Bosque da Freguesia (Rio de Janeiro/RJ). Field work took place from September 2009 to February 2020. Biometric data, weight and reproductive status were recorded. Food items were separated into labeled containers. 25 males and 34 females were captured. Biometric measurements do not differ from the literature. Females were pregnant in February, August, September and November and lactating in May and December. Due to the low collection of reproductive females, the reproductive pattern of the population was not determined; however, it was possible to infer a reproductive pattern of the seasonal polyestria type. There were 10 recaptures of five individuals, four of them females. One individual had four recaptures, separated by a period of two years. The recapture rate was 17%. Of the 808 seeds recovered from fecal samples, 48.02% belong to the Piperaceae family (consumed in summer and autumn), 6.31% Solanaceae (consumed in summer, autumn and spring), 0.25% Urticaceae (consumed in summer, only by females) and 45.42% were not identified. Males consumed 79.0% of Piperaceae and 64.0% of Solanaceae and females consumed Urticaceae. The population of C. perspicillata in the study area maintained the reproductive and feeding pattern described for the species. The consumption of plants from the Piperaceae and Solanaceae family by C. perspicillata makes it the main disperser of these plants in the Bosque da Freguesia area, influencing the plant composition of the park and the urban environment.


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