Dispersion and recruitment areas of mangrove crab larvae, Ucides cordatus, in Mangroves in Paraná
Crab-uçá, larval development, Paranaguá Estuary ComplexAbstract
The mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus, is an endemic specie of mangroves with great economic and ecological importance on the Brazilian coast. Its reproduction takes place in the summer months and includes six stages of planktonic larvae that develop in the marine region, returning to the mangrove in the megalopa stage. The presence of U. cordatus larvae and the temporal distribution of larval stages were investigated, with the objective of generating subsidies to classify the mangrove areas of the estuarine complex of Paranaguá – CEP, regarding the occurrence of larval exportation and recruitment. The samples were obtained in partnership with the Rebimar Program, from light traps and oblique drags with planktonic nets. The collection sites were close to the southern mouth of the Paranaguá Bay between March/2018 and April/2019, repeating collections in December/2022 to January/2023. In the laboratory, the samples were screened and the larvae separated, identified and quantified according to their stages of development. In the analyses, U. cordatus appeared in 100% of the samples. The initial stages (zoeas) represented about 69% of the total, with the remainder, 36%, in the advanced stage (megalopa). The highest concentration of zoeas occurred in December/2018 and December/2022, declining in January/2019 and December/2023, when the opposite was observed for megalopes, indicating the beginning of recruitment. It is concluded that the greatest abundance of larvae in various stages in the Baguaçu river that contributes to the supply of larvae available for recruitment in all mangroves of the CEP, being the most suitable area to prioritize the preservation of stocks of U. cordatus.
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