Influence of the Environment of a Conservation Unit on Hunting Pressure: RPPN Veracel Station as a Case Study


  • Gildevânio Pinheiro dos Santos Gerência Sustentabilidade/Veracel Celulose, Brasil
  • Miriam Lucia Lages Perilli Instituto para a Conservação dos Carnívoros Neotropicais - Pró-Carnívoros
  • Laury Cullen Jr. Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas/IPÊ
  • Claudio Valladares Padua Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas/IPÊ
  • Alexandre Uezu Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas/IPÊ



Atlantic Forest, landscape, matrix, rural settlements


Hunting and gathering were human fundamental foraging activities since the beginning and, coupled with the application of modern techniques, can quickly lead
to overexploitation and even species extinctions. Hunting in Brazil is illegal in most cases, but it is still a common activity. Since it is an illegal activity, it is a challenge to collect and quantify such information. The present study presents a rare opportunity for this, with 1274 evidences of poacher presence and 984 records of poaching tools and baits in the private reserve Estação Veracel. The main objective of this study was to evaluate if poaching pressure in the reserve could be influenced by the surrounding landscape (i.e. presence of rural settlements, urban areas, roads and matrix proportion). In addition, the temporal variations in poaching activities in the reserve were described, as well as the influence of joint surveillance operations with the police. It was noted that the proportion of non-forested matrix and the distance to rural settlements were the main vectors explaining poaching pressure in the reserve. Police detention of poachers seems to have been the main reason for the reduction in poaching activity between years. The results presented indicate the need to (i) establish partnerships with institutions of surveillance and intelligence to control poachers presence on the reserve; (ii) carry out an educational project with rural communities about the
importance of wildlife; and (iii) develop of professional training and qualification to allow the increase of
income for these communities.


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