Partial Diagnosis of the Productive Potential of RESEX Tapajós-Arapiuns Beneficiaries to Attend to the PNAE (National School Feeding Program)


  • Hillary Lyn Soares Coelho Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará - UFOPA
  • Jackeline Nóbrega Spínola Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio)



Food security , policy


 From the School Food Law, support for sustainable development stands out, with incentives for the acquisition of foodstuffs through the National School Food Program. However, the Tapajós-Arapiuns Extractive Reserve, located in Pará, is a choice that currently lacks adequate infrastructure and nutrients. The objective of the work was to gather information from the RESEX beneficiaries about their potential for food production to serve the school community network. Meetings were held in 24 Polo Schools, based on the Rapid and Participative Diagnosis of Agro-ecosystems methodology, with information on infrastructure, available food and an annual productivity for each family. All schools have an energy generator, a limiting factor as RESEX does not have a power grid. The transportation of food to schools does not have the necessary facilities, such as cold rooms. In the diagnosis, 64 foodstuffs were recorded for the related ones, the most indicated being flour and its derivatives and free-range chicken. The results showed that there is production and diversity of products, but it was not possible to prove the production of surpluses to satisfactorily meet the demands of the school community food supply, due to the fact that few results adhered to the questionnaires, only 10% of the units 3500 families. It is evident that despite the difficulties with transportation and refrigeration, the competent ones showed interest and availability for the commercialization of the products with the PNAE, however it is necessary to adapt the processing of the products to the reality of the Conservation Unit. 


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Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica - Pibic/ICMBio