The Erosivity of Rains
Sustainable Agricultural Management of the Lands of the Municipality of Castanhal/PA
soil conservation, water erosionAbstract
Aiming at sustainable agricultural planning, the rain erosivity of the municipality of Castanhal, located in the northeast region of the state of Pará, was determined. A continuous series of 39 years of rainfall records was used to calculate the rain coefficients, which were used in determining of rainfall erosivity through an equation adjusted to the rainfall conditions of Belém, with availability of pluviographic data, with climatic similarity and rainfall distribution verified through correlation analysis (r = 0.97). The average annual erosivity for the studied location was estimated at 22001 MJmm.ha-1.h-1.year-1, with a probability of return of 49.6% every 2.02 years. The return values for the periods of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years were 24162, 25908, 27601, 29782 and 31406 MJmm.ha-1.h-1. year-1, respectively.Â
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