Native Vegetation Fire Occurrences Fought and Recorded by Reserva Biológica Guaribas Team


  • James Barbosa Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB, Campus I, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza - CCEN, Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia - DSE
  • Afonso Henrique Leal Reserva Biológica Guaribas, ICMBio



Protected area, wildfires, fire record occurrence, anthropic impacts, Atlantic Forest


The Reserva Biológica (REBIO) Guaribas is a no take protected area managed by Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) and aims at the full conservation of the biota. Located on the north coast of Paraíba, its area exceeds 4.000ha divided into three areas, called SEMA 1, 2 and 3, which of them SEMA 2 is the largest Atlantic Forest fragment among the Brazilian states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte. The protected area is located in a region of ​​strong sugarcane cultivation for sugar and alcohol production, which increases the risk of fire in native vegetation due to the practice of pre-harvest burning, especially in the dry season, occurring from the last months of the year to the first months of the following year. The study compiles information contained in the Fire Occurrence Records (ROI, acronym in Portuguese) between 2007 and 2018 and recognizes the quantitative profile of these occurrences, identifying the geographical distribution of the fires, , the affected vegetation types, the causes of fire, and proposes measures to prevent and combat these events. In the study period, the reserve's personnel produced 290 ROI, corresponding to 101.93ha of recorded burned area, from which 1.019 km² are located inside the protected area. From the total of fires fought, 93.4% occurred outside the protected area, 21% beyond the buffer zone. November appeared as the most fire-prone month with 87 records, 2012 was the year with the greater amount of the protected area affected, with 27.62ha burned. The most affected vegetation types were, respectively, capoeira (open and closed) and mature forest. In addition, the causes, with few exceptions, were anthropic, from which agricultural practices and vandalism were the most common in the region. The smaller areas (1 and 3) presented proportionally larger number of fires immediately around, finally, there was a strong concentration of fires just north of SEMA 1.


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Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica - Pibic/ICMBio