Threats and specificity of actions of the National Species Action Plans in Brazil
conservation actions, conservation strategies, endangered species, environmental policies, species action plansAbstract
The increase in threats to biodiversity and species extinctions is directly associated with human activities. Facing this problem requires prioritizing conservation actions and the National Action Plans for the Conservation of Fauna (PANs) are documents that summarize these actions. Here we use PANs available for Brazil to: 1) categorize the drivers of direct threats on the vertebrate species contemplated; 2) analyze driver frequency patterns within and between taxonomic groups and threat categories; 3) analyze the specificity of actions elaborated in the PANs; and 4) analyze the influence of the time frame between the species being identified as threatened, the tion of a PAN that contemplates it and an eventual change of threat status. We identified that agribusiness and species overexploitation are the drivers that impact the largest number of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. We found a total of 3,747 actions in the planning matrices and in the monitoring matrices of the first year of each PAN, and 30% of them were specific to identified threats, but biased towards the overexploitation driver. A group of 14 species showed an improvement in conservation status over the period of listing threatened species in Brazil and the implementation of the PANs (1989 - 2020). Possible improvements in the threat status can be compromised by the low specificity of the actions proposed in the PANs, by the long time taken to implement these actions, or by the obstacles that prevent the beginning and conclusion of the actions.
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