Bats in the Catimbau National Park, Pernambuco, Brazil
Synthesis of a Decade (2012-2022) of Research
Chiroptera, environmental monitorying, long-term research, protected areasAbstract
In April 2012, a series of studies involving bats began in the Catimbau National Park, in the state of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. These surveys range from basic species inventories, to natural history studies, assessment of environmental impacts, and molecular and population genetic studies. The information so far produced helps us to understand how bats and their roosts - especially caves - are dynamic in time and space, and how rich are the ecological interactions involving these animals. In addition, these studies also allow the expansion of knowledge about fungi associated with bats and their roosts, about cave ecosystems, parasitic ecology, and about the effects of anthropic actions and climatic events on biodiversity. The research conducted strongly contributed to the education and training of undergraduate, masters and doctoral students, as well as researchers in post-doctoral training. Despite the production of a considerable volume of information so far, several other questions and approaches remain open and point to directions and opportunities for future research. Ten years later, in this article we present the research conducted with bats since then at Parque Nacional do Catimbau, summarizing its main results.
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