Uso e práticas de manejo de faveira (Dimorphandra gardneriana Tul.) na região da Chapada do Araripe, Ceará: implicações ecológicas e sócio-econômicas
Araripe National Forest, demography, medicinal plant, protected areaAbstract
The management and utilization of plant resources in the Araripe Plateau, state of Ceará,
comprises practices that have been recorded since the XIX century. Dimorphandra gardneriana Tul. (faveira)
has medicine properties and has been harvested because of pharmaceutical industry needs. This paper bring
a review of the studies about Dimorphandra gardneriana buscando contribute to undestanding of ecological
and economical implications of the harvesting of this species in the Araripe' region. The fruit harvest is an
important income for more than 700 people that live around this protected area. However, the fruit harvest
does not have adequate guidelines for sustainable management and some studies have shown that the
careless cut of branches may decrease growth, new plant parts and reproductive structures. Therefore the
use of tools that cause the break of the peduncule of fruits can contribute to reduce the branches's mortality
favoring the production of reproductives structures. Management sustainable strategies should considerate
the integration of research actions, law, trainning, and community participatory directed to adapative
management of faveira and others resources of Flona Araripe' region.
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