Changes in the Floristic Structure of Commercial Species after Community Forest Management in Anapu, Pará, Brazil


  • Mayra Piloni Maestri Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Rua Tancredo Neves, 2501, Belém/PA. Brasil
  • Ademir Roberto Ruschel Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém/PA. Brasil
  • Roberto Porro Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém/PA. Brasil
  • Marina Gabriela Cardoso de Aquino Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Avenida Luiz de Camões, 2090, Lages, Santa Catarina/SC. Brasil.
  • Rafael Costa Mileo Pesquisador autônomo



Forest dynamics , logging , forest management, tropical forest


Floristic and phytosociological studies on the structure of forest formations are useful to understand the functioning of ecosystems under forest management. The objective of this study was to estimate changes in the composition, diversity, and floristic structure of a forest fragment of 545.3 hectares, in Anapu, Pará. A total of 9,604 individuals with DBH ≥50 cm were inventoried, and 1,218 individuals were effectively logged, with a resulting volume of 6,649.55 m³ of timber, in a logging intensity of 15.08 m³/ha. An indication that logging was efficient regarding the floristic composition is the remaining rate of 87.32% of the number of individuals of the 107 species inventoried before logging. Among the families recorded, Fabaceae was the one that predominated before and after logging. Acapu was the species with the highest number of individuals and Cover Value index (CVI), while
Timborana was the first among the group of logged species. Logging changed CVI’s sequential order of species in the forest community and resulted in statistically significant changes in the diversity index and in the structure of diametric distribution. On the other hand, the equitable “J” Pilou distribution remained virtually unchanged (from 0.803 to 0.801) while the floristic similarity of the tree community
was over 93.2 % after logging. It can be concluded that even with good practices carried out by PDS Virola-Jatobá settlers, which followed current polycyclic system of Brazilian forest management, community forestry has not proven to be ecologically sustainable in view of the population imbalance caused by the increased pressure of exploitation of a reduced number of forest species.


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