CCharacterization of the remaining timber stock after selective logging in the Tapajos Nacional Forest


  • Iandra Victória Pinto Guimarães Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Sarah Stephanie Rebelo Traian Baumann Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Karla Mayara Almada Gomes Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará/UFOPA, Brasil
  • Carlos Richele Braga Ferreira Cooperativa Mista da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós/COOMFLONA, Brasil
  • João Ricardo Vasconcellos Gama
  • Ademir Roberto Ruschel Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Brasil
  • Dárlison Fernandes Carvalho de Andrade Serviço Florestal Brasileiro/SFB, Coordenação-Geral de Informação Florestal/CGINF, Brasil



Population change, timber stock, floristic changes


In forest management, the selective logging stage requires attention so that damage to the remaining forest is minimized. Knowing the magnitude of these damages is crucial to guide management practices and ensure management sustainability. In this work, we sought to characterize the remaining wood stock after harvesting in an annual production unit of a forest management area, located in the Tapajos National Forest. Data from the 100% forest inventory were used, considering the trees classified in use or protection categories. From the universe of felled trees, 74 trees were selected to compose the sampling used to quantify the impact caused by the harvest in terms of the opening of clearings and damage to the remaining trees. Microsoft Excel and QGIS were used for data processing. In the unit, 92 species were inventoried, accumulating an average volume of 41.83 m³ ha of wood. For harvesting, 24 were selected, which added up to an average volume of 11.3 m³ ha. In exploration, Manilkara elata was the species that suffered the greatest population reduction. After the harvest, the average opening of the forest caused by the felling of trees accumulated 168.21 ha ± 34.3 ha of forest, corresponding to a variation between 6.04% to 9.13% of the total area of ​​the unit. Managed forests in the Amazon follow technical guidelines that guarantee the reduction of impacts on the remaining forest and, although the intensity of harvesting per species follows economic criteria, the limitation of intensity provided for by law is respected.


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