Implementação do programa piloto de manejo integrado do fogo em três unidades de conservação do Cerrado
fire intensity, permanent plots, vegetation monitoringAbstract
For the first time in Brazil, low intensity prescribed fires at the beginning of the dry season were implemented in Cerrado protected areas as a management strategy. The objectives of these burns are to protect fire-sensitive vegetation such as riparian forests; to reduce and fragment fuel loads creating vegetation mosaics with different stages of post-fire regeneration; and to change the current fire regime, characterized by large wildfires during late dry season (August-October). These prescribed burns are part of an Integrated Fire Management (IFM) Pilot Program, which was implemented in 2014 in three protected
areas of Cerrado: Chapada das Mesas National Park (CMNP), the Jalapão State Park (JSP) and the Serra
Geral do Tocantins Ecological Station (SGTES). During the program implementation, several ecological
parameters were measured and are reported in this article. In addition, we describe the experimental design
for establishing permanent plots for long-term monitoring of the effects of early dry season prescribed burning in comparison to late burning and unburned areas, which we established in the three protected areas in 2015. Results from 2014 show that prescribed burns were of low intensity due to the season and the start
time of burning with low fire line spread rates and fuel consumption ranging between 46 and 84%. From this experience, management and research issues that should be considered for planning and implementing other IFM programs are presented including the reasons for the use of fire and the perceptions of local communities about the effects of the different types of fire.Â
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